Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! Day 24

Today is Thanksgiving Day. I am feeling SO overwhelmed with love, joy and thankfulness. I was able to spend today with my husband, my four children, my parents, my mom's parents, my sisters, their husbands, and my niece. We all shared in cooking for the gathering, and enjoyed a bounty of delicious food. My daughters sat with my grandmother and made pom-poms for their dolls' slippers. We talked and laughed. My older two children played the piano for the family. We took pictures. We savored our time. Together.

"Time never changes,
The memories, the faces
Of loved ones, who bring to me,
All that I come from,
And all that I live for,
And all that I'm going to be
My precious family
Is more than an heirloom to me."
- Heirlooms by Amy Grant

And I'm not just thankful.
I am thankful to God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Lord of Hosts, Alpha and Omega.
"Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost."


  1. amen. happy thanksgiving!

    love those lyrics! looooong time ago i sang that song in a christmas program ;)


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