Thursday, November 4, 2010

Family Fun Night

Last night was such a nice evening...we ate a delicious "comfort food" dinner of oven stroganoff over egg noodles with green beans and applesauce. The older two kids quickly did their homework and practiced piano. They gave themselves baths while I went for a run (don't worry - hubby was home and supervised the herd!) When I returned from my run, the older two were playing "Battleship." NCH was working on columns and rows in social studies (using a grids on maps), so Battleship was a really fun way for him to practice (a.k.a. "show off") what he had learned! A new movie had arrived in the mail from Netflix, so we all gathered to watch "Tinkerbell." The movie was cute and we were all warm and snuggly watching it together. It was just a very lovely evening!


  1. that sounds like a nice family evening. family snuggle time in the couch is the best!

  2. i wanna watch tinkerbell!

  3. i love nights like those!
    and even my 3 boys liked Tinkerbell! ;)


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